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作   者:张显库 赵健 张国庆

定   价:¥38

版   次:1

I S B N:9787563243440


开   本:X16K

装   帧:

页   数:102



A survey conducted by the China Association for Science and Technology found that 38.6% of scientific researchers believed that they lacked enough knowledge of scientific research ethics and academic norms, and 49.6% of scientific and technical specialists stated that they had not systematically understood and learned knowledge in this regard. It reflects the importance and urgency of enhancing the education of scientific ethics and academic norms in the field of Chinese higher education.


​Chapter 1 Introduction;Chapter 2 Thesis Selection, Literature Review, and Condensed Questions;Chapter 3 Experimental Conduct and Data Analysis;Chapter 4 Thesis Writing Skills Improvement;Chapter 5 Thesis Writing Tools: Microsoft Word and Latex;Chapter 6 Paper Submission and Revision;Chapter 7 How to Write a Scientific and Technical Paper?;Chapter 8 How to Write a Thesis? (Example).


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